When I last a few weeks ago at the V&D was I saw somewhere in a corner are a pendant. He had a vintage Scandinavian look, but it was new and lovely blue color. No fitting was in, and no cable but a beaded necklace to hang him.

I think it was a showmodel. Now I have a very handy man at home, So I dared to bring it to light for € 10.00

Het grappige is dat ik meteen na dit blog een bericht kreeg van de maakster van de vorige versie van deze lamp. De lamp heeft ooit ter decoratie gehangen in de bedrijfs kantine van de V&D en dit was de foto daarvan. In het midden zie je hem nog hangen.

hang lamp vend


What's so great about the lamp, is that the bracket in the neon orange painted. With a small neon accent, you can ot a dull lamp so very quickly give a flashy makeover.


The lightbulb I bought at the IKEA. But these big lights you see now on sale in more furniture stores.

Precisely such a beautiful bulb produces an ordinary lamp a little more uitraling. The wire is also from IKEA and has an iron cord appearance. Bij of Snoerboer you also have to buy the best loose cords. For example, you can also use a great NEON colored thread.

With a game Neon, a nice necklace and a beautiful lightbulb create a unique original lamp in a jiffy.

You might also agree to look at the thrift store to a boring lamp so you can pimp himself desired.


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Written by redactie