Last weekend I was busy again with the organization of the 2 new children's bedrooms. Bij IKEA zijn we weer goed geslaagd met een lamp en een vloerkleed.

My daughter loves stars, she saw the light and were sold. He was also once in the offer so he went. My son loves to play with LEGO , but a cold laminate floor is not very nice to sit on. So I was looking for a play mat at IKEA. Because the room by white laminate and white walls with modern design I wanted to bring a little warmth.

I chose me for an old-fashioned retro garment the Valby . Het kleed kost slechts €19,95 dus kan nog een keer afgewisseld worden.

On the wall I hung garlands. Small white birds, which pretty stabbing against the crisp blue wall.

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The wall is painted with “vintage blue” The garlands of Flexa I ordered at Imbaro, the stool is of HEMA and the duck is HEICO

ikea lamp

The polar bear picture is from Ohmyhome and light balls garland of Cotton ball lights

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Written by redactie