Green at home

The trend has been going on for a while, Nice green house. I have no green thumb, so I got me a while limited to cacti. But now has come the spring, and the sun shines at home, I suddenly get the green jitters.


On the Praxis, which now has the XL stores a wide variety of plants. I immediately fell for the color of a rose plant. tropical “first aechmea”

He was again on offer for € 5.00 so nice bonus! plant 1

For my old flower pots collection I bought all small plants. The jars are all from the thrift store.

plant 3

And last week I bought a beautiful hanging basket in the cycle. There I found the “Magnefique” good fit.

plant 2

I am satisfied with my new green home, and have like intention very well for them to make this time!


Written by redactie