I saw them lately frequently passing by. Rugs of Rotan, of zeegras. Earlier in the year 70-80 you had this already. Sometimes even in tile form in the living room! Today it is a little more subtle accent, and it will remain at a (around ) vloerkleed.

Such a garment seems a bit stiff, but by the warm colors and natural materials gives it a bit of warmth to a modern, or a white interior.

And completely in summer within which nowadays also a bit drawn out is such a nice accent rug in the living room.

I bought one at Sostrene Grene for less than 20euro.

kleed 1 kleed 2 kleed 3

But also Bloomingville made a beautiful robe of Seagrass


Het Bloomingvill rug spotted on the interior site Lisanne of Klift

Again, you can see how the garment gives warmth to the clean floor.

I am to, I love grasvloerkleden!



Written by redactie